Seed cycling for hormones holistic health

Seed cycling, I was sceptical at first to understand how seeds could support women’s health and their hormones specifically. As I did some more research I learnt that by supplying the hormones with the nutrients they need at specific phases of their cycle it is an effective and gentle way to support women's hormones.

Before I jump in with explaining I think it is vitally important that all women track their cycle. You should know roughly how long your cycle is, at what timing you ovulate, when is your next period due to start.

We still have a long way to go for women to fully embrace their periods as part of the natural life cycle and celebrate our bodies for what they do each month.

When working with clients something important I like to cover is peeling back the shame we feel about our bodies, instead switching that to embrace our cyclical rhythms and working with them for a healthy, balanced life.  

 Seed cycling is meant to support what your body does naturally—building hormones and eliminating excess. Seeds have been found to have many benefits from supporting cardiovascular health to being protective against cancer. Eating a fibre rich diet supports the elimination of excess hormones like estrogen via the bowels which is so important for women.

 When starting with seed cycling you ideally need to know where you are at in your cycle, as you will change your seeds to match the phase you are in. Day one is the first day of your period. That will be the day you begin the follicular phase seeds and you’ll stick with those through to when you ovulate or day 14.

The practice is quite simple, beginning the first day of your cycle you'll eat 1-2 tablespoons of fresh ground flaxseeds and raw pumpkin seeds, which supports both estrogen production and metabolism. It's a great way to create balanced estrogen, which is key during the follicular phase.

Following ovulation, which can vary for each woman, you will switch to 1-2 tablespoons each of raw sunflower and sesame seeds. For the purpose of seed rotation, we generally change to these seeds at day 15 of the cycle or the day following ovulation. Sunflower and sesame seeds support progesterone levels, which is the key hormone during the luteal phase (the phase following ovulation until your next period).

 Seed Cycling Overview

  • Follicular Phase – Ovulation (Days 1-14): eat 1-2 tablespoons each of raw, fresh ground flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds

  • Ovulation-Luteal Phase (Days 15-28): eat 1-2 tablespoons each of raw, fresh ground sunflower and sesame seeds

If you ovulate at a different time in your cycle then switch the seeds accordingly. If your period comes regularly at a different time (eg 26 days instead of 28) then switch the seeds accordingly.

 Seed Cycling Follicular Phase

During the first half of your cycle (follicular phase), estrogen is the main hormone that rises to trigger ovulation. Testosterone also rises prior to ovulation, which gets you in the mood and wanting to reproduce. Zinc, which is rich in pumpkin seeds, supports healthy testosterone levels. In addition, pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidants, which are protective of our ovaries, eggs, and reproductive system. Flaxseeds help with excess estrogen elimination to the help support keeping levels optimal.

Pumpkin seeds are also a source of tryptophan, which the body uses to create serotonin and melatonin which is excellent to support a good night’s sleep. Sleep definitely has an impact on our hormonal health and if you've ever had a hormone imbalance, then you know sleep can be an issue. This may be why some women report improved sleep after a couple of months using seed cycling.

 Seed Cycling for Luteal Phase

Sesame and sunflower seeds are rich in lignans and fatty acids to support the luteal phase. Sesame seeds have been shown be beneficial to women's hormones even through menopause, they may also help to lower inflammation.

Sunflower seeds contain nutrients like iron, which support estrogen detoxification via the liver and magnesium, which can reduce PMS symptoms and cramps and Vitamin E, which has also been shown reduce PMS.

Can Seed Cycling Help PCOS Symptoms?

For women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), seed cycling alone will not alleviate all your symptoms but it may be a way to support a healthier hormone balance.

Seeds are a great source of zinc, which supports healthy testosterone production. While there is some confusion about this, women do need testosterone, however we need it to be within balance. Too much can cause women issues and this imbalance is common with PCOS.

Testosterone is an androgen, and in PCOS, androgens are responsible for the hair loss, acne, and excess hair growth that is commonly experienced. Research has shown that women consuming flax seeds have more favourable levels of androgens.

Additionally, the fibre provided by these seeds help with estrogen elimination. Estrogen dominance is also common among women with PCOS. This means that estrogen is either too high in relation to progesterone, or that estrogen levels are too high in general.

Estrogen, like testosterone, is vital for women’s health, but too much can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as:

  • Mood swings

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Hair loss

  • Weight gain

  • Irregular, painful, or heavy periods

  • Breast swelling and tenderness

  • PMS

I always discuss with clients the need for regular bowel movements - ideally 1-3 times day, one of the main reasons is this is how we eliminate excess estrogen. So a fiber-rich diet is crucial in supporting healthy, balanced hormones.

They are also rich in essential fatty acids, which support healthy oil production and decrease inflammation. Other nutrients, like zinc, found in these seeds are important for skin health and acne management.

While there are nutritional benefits of each of the seeds and how they can help create more optimal hormones it isn’t to say this will be a fix to a root caused issue.

I always recommend this is an add on to manageable stress levels, a healthy – ideally organic – diet, plenty of water, good quality rest and recovery.


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